Sunday, October 16, 2011

10 months

Edie bear, you are 10 months old! The time is going by so fast, and you are just growing right before our eyes!

No exact measurements this month, so these are just approximate! You weigh around 18.5 lbs and are about 28 inches long.
Your current habits are:

You are back to sleeping much better because we dropped down to 2 naps per day! You are now taking 2 hour naps in the morning and afternoon. We also are moving your bedtime up due to the time change this month.

You are still breastfed and nurse 5 times per day. We are still having fun trying new things, and you are mostly eating table foods now. You eat 2-3 meals per day, just depending on how our mornings go.

You are wearing a mix of 6-9 month and 9-12 month clothes, depending on the weather. It is starting to get cooler, so we are mixing in your winter clothes! You are wearing a size 3 diaper.

This past month you:
  • said Da Da! It was absolutely adorable and I immediately took a video and sent it to Daddy :)
  • are a standing pro!
  • are taking a few steps on your own. I know you will be walking on your own very soon!
  • know how to turn the light off! When we leave a room, you love to turn the light switch off.
  • have become very attached to your Teddy. It is a very funny story, and I will have to make a post just for him. But you must have him to sleep and he goes everywhere with us!
  • dropped down to just 2 naps. It makes for a very interesting schedule, but I am glad you are sleeping for longer periods again!
  • are now riding in a big girl carseat! We found a great deal and officially switched you over this month.
  • have just your 2 little bottom teeth. You have such a sweet little smile.
  • have been away from Mommy quite a lot this month. She has had a craft show every weekend and you stay with either Daddy or the grandparents. I am so glad you finally took to a bottle, although Mommy misses you while she's gone!
This month has been so crazy, not only with how much you are learning and growing, but just with everything going on! I know these next two months are going to be even crazier and I am looking forward to the New Year and maybe a little quieter life!

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