Wednesday, November 16, 2011

11 months

Bear, you are 11 months old! It's hard to believe next month you will be One!

I still don't have exact measurements for you, but we will have them next month at your checkup! You weigh somewhere are 19.4 lbs, and I have no idea how tall you are because you won't stay still to let me measure!

Your current habits are:

You are still sleeping wonderfully. I am so blessed that we have never really had any problems with your sleep. You are still taking 2 naps per day. We have moved your bedtime to 8:30pm and now you wake up around 7:30 or 8, and it is working wonderfully!

You are still breastfed and nurse 5 times per day. I think we will be dropping a session soon, because you are starting to eat a lot more real food! You are eating all table food now, and you eat a puree as your "dessert" after dinner.

You are wearing all 9-12 month clothes, with a few 18 month tops thrown in. Your jeans are a size 6-12 months, and most other pants you still wear a 9 month size. You are wearing a size 3 diaper.

This past month you:
  • are walking. Everywhere. Keeping up with you is definitely a chore! But you are loving your independence and I am loving that you can run around and do whatever you feel!
  • have 3 1/2 teeth. I mean, you really have 3 teeth fully in, and one more is so close to popping through! Your top teeth are no fun and we have had a rough time with teething recently.
  • are signing!! We have been working on sign language with you for a couple of months, and this past month you have starting signing milk and more. You can kind of sign all done - we are still working on that one!
  • have learned a ton of words ... You don't say anything yet, but you know what these mean: Shake shake - for something in your hand. Arms up - for taking your shirt off. Pants on - when putting on your pants. Over your head - to put your shirt on. Turn off the light. And up - when you want to be picked up.
  • give hugs and kisses! Adorable.
  • learned how to dance. You will bounce up and down to music.

We are going on your first roadtrip this month to Altus for Thanksgiving and we are anxious to see how you do! I know everyone is excited to see/meet you and we are excited to see everyone this year since we didn't make it last year due to me being on bedrest.

I still can't believe you will be one year next month, the time is just flying by!

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