Sunday, September 18, 2011

9 months

Wow Edith, you are 9 months old ... in just 3 short months, you will be O.N.E. I'm not sure I'm ready for that! But here we are, flying head first into the holiday months, and it will be here before I know it!

You finally had your 9 month checkup on Friday and we have REAL measurements!!
  • You weigh 17.5 lbs - 27th percentile
  • You are 27.7 in - 57th percentile
  • Your head measures 17.5 in - 64th percentile
Your check up went really well. The doctor says you are developing wonderfully and doing all the things you should! She was really impressed with your muscle control and that you are already standing on your own. No shots this time, and I am very grateful! Now we just wait until your 12 month check up.

Your current habits are:

You are still sleeping pretty well ... we are starting to have issues with short naps (only 45 minutes - 1 hour, not quite sure what is up with that!) and you are definitely working on your top teeth, so you have been quite fussy this past week. You are still going to bed at 9:30 and waking up between 8 and 8:30. You are still taking 3 naps per day, and they generally add up to around 3 hours, maybe 4 if I'm lucky.

You are still breastfed, still enjoying your dinner, and now we have added in a breakfast! You always want to eat when I'm eating, so you do! You still nurse 5 times per day and generally eat around 4-6 ounces each time. We are having such a fun time trying new things! You seem to be loving just about everything. You are back on board with green beans, as long as they are whole. The only 2 things you aren't crazy about right now are carrots and peas, but you eat them anyway. You LOVE bread and cereal.

You are wearing mostly 6-9 month clothes, and a few 3-6 month things. We are having major issues trying to find you pants! You are such a skinny little thing. You can still wear your 3-6 month pants, and your 0-3 month jeans fit your waist, but are starting to become high waters :) We finally found you some good jeans at Old Navy, after a tiring day of shopping! You are still wearing size 2 diapers, although I'm sure we will be in size 3 next month.

This past month you:
  • have continued crawling like. a. champ. You are getting fast and it is wearing me out trying to keep up with you. But we are so happy you decided to crawl first, instead of being like me and just take off walking!
  • have stood on your own!! You are a pro at standing up.
  • are "surfing." You can walk anywhere as long as you are holding on to something. You also started walking with your little Walk and Ride toy. You will be running around here in no time. I don't think I'm ready for that!
  • are learning to understand words! You will "shake shake" a toy and do "arms up" to get undressed.
  • are waving. It's pretty adorable.
  • love. to. eat. If I'm eating, you have to eat too.
  • are finally taking a bottle!! It only took us several months, and several bottles later ... but we finally found one you will take! Which is good, because I am going to start going to craft fairs soon, and you will need to be able to eat.
Honestly, it's been kind of a quiet month. But I am definitely okay with that, because I know life is going to start getting pretty crazy soon.

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