Wednesday, August 17, 2011

8 months

Edie Bears, you are 8 months old! You are growing so fast! This month has definitely been a big one!!

I still don't have exact measurements for you, because your next check up is next month. I think you weigh somewhere around 17 lbs and are about 27 1/2 inches tall. I'm anxious to see the exact measurements next month!

Your current habits are:

You are still a fabulous sleeper, sometimes I wonder how we got so lucky. We have a great routine down and you go to bed at 9:30 and wake up between 8 and 8:30. You are still taking 3 naps per day, and they generally add up to around 3-4 hours.

You are still breastfed, and are enjoying your solid meal at dinner time. You still nurse 5 times per day and generally eat around 4-6 ounces each time. We are having such a fun time trying new things! You still love sweet potatoes, avocado, and squash.

You are wearing mostly 3-6 month clothes, although we are starting to add in some 6-9 month things. You are wearing size 2 diapers.

This past month you:
  • started crawling!! Yikes, our lives are definitely not the same! Gone are the days when I could lay you down on a blanket. But we are very proud of you, and you are really enjoying your independence and love being able to get around to what you want!
  • started pulling yourself to standing in your crib. It was such a cute moment the first time we saw it.
  • have really started to get into food. Peaches are your absolute new favorite!
  • met your Aunt Suzie! We have had such a blast these past few days visiting with her ... more on that another time.
  • have started walking with the assistance of someone. You love to hold someone's hands and walk around like a big girl!
  • are starting to outgrow your infant carseat. We will have to get the old big one out of the attic soon.
  • are no longer using the baby bathtub! Since you are such a big girl now, we got you a mat and you love having the whole tub to play in.
And, since no post is complete without pictures ...

Outgrowing our infant seat ...

I'll get my own toys, thank you very much!

TV is entertaining ... for a few minutes

First big girl bath!

Rockin the hawk :)

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