Monday, May 16, 2011

5 months

Edith Renee, you are growing up way too fast! You are learning and doing something new every day it seems!

You currently weigh between 14 and 15 lbs, and that's about all I know! We will find out exact measurements at your check up next month.

Your current habits are:

You are a fabulous sleeper! You have started going to bed earlier, generally between 9 and 9:30 and wake up anywhere between 8:30 and 9. Most days you wake up before me and just hang out in your crib until I come in to feed you! You still generally nap four times per day, for about an hour. This changes from day to day, depending on what we are up to. You really don't mind skipping a nap if needed, and you just make up for it at your next nap. You love sleeping on your back at night swaddled in your SleepSack. You still will only nap on your tummy during the day. We had a few nap battles this past month, but we are over those now. It's getting interesting because you have really figured out how to roll yourself over! If you don't want to nap, you just flip over to your back and get really mad. You still nurse yourself to sleep at night, and for now I'm okay with it. You also love your Sleep Sheep set on the ocean waves sound to fall asleep to.

You are exclusively breastfed and we are still on our awesome schedule! You are eating 5 times per day and you generally eat around 4-6 ounces each time. We tried feeding you rice cereal and oatmeal powders, and you hated both of them!! Here in the next month, I will try making you some real oatmeal because personally, I think that powdered stuff is disgusting. We're still going to wait until 6 months to really start feeding you solids, as I think that is what is best. We are so anxious to see how you react!

You are wearing mostly 3-6 month clothes, and 0-3 month pants, with a few 0-3 month favorites thrown in. It really depends on the brand and style of clothes. You are really filling out your 3-6 month sleepers! You are such a long, skinny baby. You are still wearing size 1 diapers, but they are starting to get a little snug. We will be in size 2 before long!

This past month you:
  • decided to start rolling from front to back. It is so cute.
  • tried cereals for the first time, and hated them!
  • have really started squealing. Cutest. thing. ever.
  • still love your feet!
  • are trying to sit on your own. You will sit by yourself as long as someone is around and you feel like they are supporting you. When you are by yourself, you try too hard and fall. I can sometimes get you to sit alone if I distract you with a toy.
  • have fallen in love with bathtime! You and daddy have a grand time playing and splashing and talking with Mr. Duck. You love it so much you have started getting really mad when it's time to get out, and you throw a fit until you find me to eat.
  • had a sleepover at Granny and Grampy's and did really well!
  • are still loving your jumperoo. You play in it at least once a day.
  • have finally decided to like your bumbo seat! You sit in it and help me get ready in the mornings.
  • have really started noticing things and people. Stranger anxiety is starting to form, and you are very particular about who you like and don't like.
  • still absolutely love your Sadie dog. You will watch her and never lose interest. You have started to want to pet her, so we are teaching you to be gentle, but you still sometimes pull her fur and ears.
  • have started to develop a cute little personality, temper included.
  • have just started teething. I can feel all the bumps in your gums, but I don't think we will see anything too soon. Teething rings are your new best friend.
There is so much to keep up with, I hope I didn't miss anything!

We love you little EdieBears :)

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