Saturday, July 16, 2011

7 months

I guess it's true what they say ... time sure does fly when you're having fun! Edith you are now 7 months old!

I don't have exact measurements for you, because we don't have another check up until you are 9 months! I think you weigh somewhere around 16 lbs and are about 27 inches tall. You are just a growing machine!

Your current habits are:

You are still a fabulous sleeper, most of the time. It's been a little rough this past month because you have been working on cutting 2 teeth. You go to bed around 9:30 and wake up anywhere between 8 and 8:30. Most days you wake up before me and just hang out in your crib until I come in to feed you! We have totally dropped your evening nap, replacing it with an evening walk. You have 3 naps per day, and they generally add up to around 4 hours.

You are still breastfed, but we have now added in 1 solid meal at dinner time. You nurse 5 times per day and generally eat around 4-6 ounces each time. We have had a ton of food adventures this past month, with your current favorite foods being sweet potatoes and avocado! I will have a more food detailed post later :)

You are wearing mostly 3-6 month clothes, and still some 0-3 month pants. You are wearing size 2 diapers.

This past month you:
  • started pushing yourself from tummy to sitting!
  • got 2 teeth!! It was a little rough for a week or so, but now you have such a cute little smile with your 2 bottom teeth :)
  • are getting so much better at sitting on your own. You have such amazing balance.
  • still absolutely love bathtime! It's your special time with Daddy in the evening.
  • are starting to really get tired of your stationary toys. You would rather be playing with your toys on the floor.
  • are starting to rock on your hands and knees. Crawling will not be far off!
  • love being outside. You love to watch the trees and look at the flowers. Granny and Grampy's deck is your favorite.

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