Wednesday, March 16, 2011

3 months

Edith, you are 3 months old today!! I cannot believe how time is flying!

You currently weigh 11 lbs 8 oz, and are 24 inches long! You have grown so much this past month, I can't believe it! The doctor is going to be amazed when she sees you next month.

Your current habits:

Sleeping: You still sleep through the night! I love this sooo much! You go to bed sometime around 10 (I know it's late!) and wake up sometime between 7:30 and 8. You take a few naps during the day, but generally only for 30 minutes and rarely up to an hour. You are just so busy and want to see the world! You know sleeping is only for nighttime, and want to know what's going on during the day. You sleep on your back at night, and will only nap on your tummy during the day. You no longer need your paci to sleep at night, as you have discovered your fingers!

Eating: You eat 5 times per day. People think it's weird and not enough, but this is what works best for us, and I know you're getting between 4 and 6 ounces at each feeding. We are still breastfeeding, and have been dealing with thrush for several weeks now. We had an appointment with a lactation nurse, and now have some medicine to hopefully clear this up! You are a great nurser and I hope this continues!

You are wearing 0-3 month clothes. I know you are going to outgrow these very soon, as some of your pajamas seem a little short when you completely stretch out! We just put you in size 1 diapers this week, and they are a little big, but the newborns are too small! Sometimes I wish diapers came in half sizes.

You have excellent head control! You love to sit up and look around. You have sat unsupported a couple of times, but you didn't realize it. We are working on baby sit-ups, and sometimes you'll even pull yourself up when you grab onto my hands! This makes bath time really interesting because you try to sit yourself up and have almost gone face first into your bathtub! You hate to lay down when people hold you because you want to see what everyone else is doing. You also love to stand up! It's one of your new favorite things when someone is holding you. You've even pulled yourself up into a standing position a couple of times. You still love playing in your highchair! We have a few sets of rings, and you love to grab them and bang them on the tray or throw them on the floor for mommy to pick up. You absolutely love music and will sometimes sing along. We always listen to nursery rhymes in the car! You now refuse to roll yourself over from front to back. You know how, but you will roll yourself onto your side and decide you don't really want to go all the way over, so you'll let yourself roll back to your tummy. I'm sure there is so much more to say, but it escapes me!

We love you so much baby girl, you are the joy of our lives! You can always brighten a day with your beautiful smile, and we can't wait to see you learn and grow even more in the years to come!

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